1. To keep the cheese fresher longer, wrap it in aluminum foil instead of plastic wrap. This will help prevent mold.

2. When you get home after shopping, immediately separate the bananas from the stems so they do not ripen so quickly.

3. Soak the raw onions in ice water for 15 minutes so they are not so strong - ideal to add to salads or sandwiches.

4. To reheat the pizza, do not use the microwave. I recommend that you heat it in a pan over the stove over low heat. Do not forget to put the lid on the pan to melt the cheese.

5. If a pepper has three bumps on the bottom it means that it will taste sweeter and it will be better to eat it raw. If you have four bumps on the bottom, it is likely to be more bitter and will be better for cooking.

6. To double the icing for cakes and cupcakes, add it in a mixer and you will see how it will increase in size. Thus one ends up eating less sugar, less fat and fewer calories per serving.

7. The simplest way to grill the peppers is on a grill, on the griddle or in the oven. If you use dried chilies make sure to clean your surface very well before roasting them, with a damp towel.

8. If you use butter, milk, eggs, etc., remove them from the refrigerator in advance so that they are at room temperature, unless the recipe you want to make requires that the ingredients are cold.

9. Do not use frying oil already used to cook floured or breaded foods. It can have a lot of bacteria.

10. If you make a soup and it comes out a bit salty, throw in slices of potato and let it boil a little because the potato will absorb the salt.

11. To avoid odors from cauliflower and broccoli, add a splash of milk to the cooking water and the odor will go away.

Recipe Brownies Light


  • 60 g of flour
  • 6 tablespoons of cocoa powder
  • 1 cup of honey
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 tablespoons of oil
  • ½ teaspoon of vanilla essence
  • 125 g of pureed and pitted prunes
  • 2 eggs


  1.  Preheat the oven to 180 ° C and clean a square mold of 20 cm.
  2.  Mix the flour, cocoa, honey and salt. Add the oil, vanilla, prunes and eggs.
  3.  Beat until a uniform mixture is obtained. Place in the mold.
  4.  Bake for 30 minutes or until the surface is shiny or try the stick test in the center.
